Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO) is nearing the end of his term.
The inauguration of his elected predecessor Claudia Sheinbaum is scheduled for October 1st.
By all accounts, AMLO remains quite popular.

The overwhelming support granted to his MORENA party in the June 2nd presidential and congressional elections is evidence of this.
In addition, approval polls have indicated AMLO’s continuing popularity.
The website of the Americas Society/Council of the Americas (AS/COA) has published results of polls tracking AMLO’s popularity in Mexico.
- ORACULUS – This is a “poll of polls” which tracks AMLO’s approval from December 2018 (when he became president) until Aug 28th, 2024 (in his second to last month). In six years AMLO’s approval has never dipped below 60%. As of August 28th it was over 70%.
- LAST FIVE PRESIDENTS – This chart shows the approval ratings of AMLO and the previous four presidents: Zedillo (1994-2000), Fox (2000-2006), Calderon (2006-2012) and Pena Nieto (2012-2018). The chart allows the reader to compare the approval ratings of the five presidents at the same times during their presidencies, at intervals of 3 months. AMLO’s are usually the highest.
This poll goes from February 2019 to August 2024, asking this question, “In general terms, do you approve or disapprove of the job AMLO is doing as president of the republic?” AMLO’s lowest point was in the high 50s; in August of 2024 AMLO was at 73%.
In other results of the August 2024 poll, 65% say they are satisfied with AMLO’s work as president; 71% say he governs for all Mexicans.
From August of 2019 to August of 2024, this question was asked: “In general, do you think the country is on a very good, good, bad, or very bad path?” On that question, the lowest percentage of respondents saying “very good” or “good” was 47% and in August 2024 it was 53% saying “very good” or “good.
Also in August of 2024, 67% said they were optimistic about Mexico’s future in contrast with 24% pessimistic and 4% neither optimistic or pessimistic. Respondents were also asked where they’d seen the biggest improvements during the AMLO presidency. The results showed that 49% said the economy, 35% the economic situation of the respondent or his own family, 27% said public health, 28% poverty and only 14% said violence related to narcotrafficking. - EL FINANCIERO asked the question “In general, do you approve or disapprove of the job Andrés Manuel López Obrador is doing as president of Mexico?” from December of 2018 to August of 2024. As of August 26th, 2024, AMLO was in the mid-60s. In August of 2024 respondents were asked how they view the AMLO administration’s management of various issues. Those who said the administration was “good” or “very good” in social programs were 75%, with 49% in the economy, but 28% in public security and 26% in corruption. When asked “In your opinion, what is the principal problem in the country today?”, 58% said crime.
- REFORMA In this poll, respondents were asked “Do you approve or disapprove of the way AMLO is doing his job as president?”, from November 2018 (right before AMLO was president (!) to March of 2024 when AMLO had a 73% approval rating.
SUMMARY : Here’s how AS/COA summarizes AMLO’s popularity: “From the time he took office in December 2018, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, or AMLO, has enjoyed enviable popularity, exceeding the levels achieved by the four prior presidents. Still, his government fares less well on ratings related to certain issues, such as violence and corruption.”
Mexico has kept me confused for over 50 years on many subjects but perhaps politics most of all and I appreciate AMLO even if disagreeing with much of his agenda.