On October 1st, 2024, Claudia Sheinbaum was inaugurated as the President of Mexico.
In doing so, she followed the inauguration ceremony with certain traditions.
The ceremony is held in the Legislative Palace of San Lazaro, meeting place of the Cámara de Diputados, Mexican equivalent of the House of Representatives. In attendance were the Mexican Congress and dignitaries; and some foreign guests.
In the U.S. inauguration, the new president has his left hand on the Bible and his right hand upraised, with the oath administered by the Chief Justice.
In the Mexican ceremony, no Bible is used, and the oath is not administered by the Chief Justice.
Here is a photo of Claudia Sheinbaum performing the presidential oath. To her right is Chief Justice Norma Lucía Piña Hernández . The seated individual is 94-year old Ifigenia Martinez, Speaker of the House. At the back is outgoing president AMLO, still wearing the presidential sash.

When Americans see Mexicans performing an oath or salute with outstretched arm, they immediately associate it with the Nazis. However, various societies have used this type of salute, it was not invented by the Nazis. In fact, in the United States it was used by schoolchildren saluting the flag until 1942, when it was changed so as not to look like a Nazi salute. So no, it’s not a Nazi salute.
Here is the text of the Mexican presidential oath: “Protesto guardar y hacer guardar la Constitución Política de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos y las leyes que de ella emanen, y desempeñar leal y patrióticamente el cargo de Presidenta de la República que el pueblo me ha conferido, mirando en todo por el bien y prosperidad de la Unión; y si así no lo hiciere que la Nación me lo demande.“
Here’s an English translation, from Wikipedia: “I affirm to follow and uphold the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States and the laws that emanate from it, and to perform loyally and patriotically the office of President of the Republic which the people have conferred upon me, in all actions looking after the good and prosperity of the Union; and if I were not to do so, may the Nation demand it of me.“
On ceremonial occasions, the President of Mexico wears a ceremonial sash. Outgoing president AMLO (Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador) arrived to the Chamber wearing the presidential sash. After her oath, Claudia Sheinbaum received the presidential sash, indicating that she is now the president.

President Sheinbaum then delivered a lengthy speech which thanked the attendees and summarized the accomplishments of the previous AMLO administration. She announced new social programs and the expansion of current government programs.
President Sheinbaum is a protege of AMLO of the same MORENA party and a proponent of AMLO’s Fourth Transformation doctrine.
The text of her speech is available here.
Here is a photo of President Claudia Sheinbaum, in her presidential sash, delivering her inaugural speech:

Sixteen heads of state attended, and 100 representatives of foreign countries. U.S. President Joe Biden did not attend, but the American delegation was headed by First Lady Dr. Jill Biden, who wore a Schiaparelli outfit.

I have many concerns with this lady but I pray she will be a great leader for Mexico.