Mexican Cartels Producing Precursor Chemicals for Methamphetamine

According to the Mexican Navy, the Sinaloa cartel and the Jalisco Nueva Generación (CJNG) cartel are now producing precursor chemicals in order to produce methamphetamine.

It’s been estimated that there are 100 ways to concoct methamphetamine. Formerly in Mexico, they used ephedrine as the principal precursor, but the Mexican government got stricter on ephedrine, so they switched to the P2P and methylamine method.

The Mexican meth producers imported P2P and methylamine from China, but now they don’t need to, because they found ways to concoct these chemicals themselves with pre-precursor chemicals.

These pre-precursors are substances used for other purposes, such as cleaning products, petrochemicals, food, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals. They are called dual-use chemicals.

Currently this doesn’t apply to fentanyl, because its pre-precursors don’t have so many dual legal uses.

Here’s a chart about methamphetamine production:

Chart Source: InsightCrime Website

Article Sources:
Mexico’s Meth Producers Are Making Their Own Precursors, Government Says
(Victoria Dittmar, InSight Crime, July 9th, 2024)
Cárteles mexicanos ya elaboran precursores químicos: Semar
(Gustavo Castillo, Garcia, La Jornada, July 6th, 2024)
Making Synthetic Drugs: A Primer*
(Sara Garcia, InSight Crime, May 8th, 2023

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One Response to Mexican Cartels Producing Precursor Chemicals for Methamphetamine

  1. william kaliher says:

    Thanks–great info–Pray something can be done soon concerning drugs of this nature.

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