The AMLO-Sheinbaum Transition

On June 2nd, Claudia Sheinbaum won the Mexican presidential election and is slated to take office October 1st.

Now it’s official. Today, on August 15th, Sheinbaum received the official document validating her victory. The document was issued by the TEPJF, the Tribunal Electoral del Poder Judicial de la Federación, Mexico’s electoral court. Here is a photo of Sheinbaum receiving the document from Mónica Aralí Soto Fregoso, Chief Magistrate of the TEPJF:

Source: Express Zacatecas

Mexico’s new Congress takes over on September 1st, which means there is a one-month overlap during which AMLO is still the president and the new Congress is in session.

Also it’s been announced that Claudia Sheinbaum plans to continue the morning press conferences which AMLO holds.

Here are some links to previous articles about the election and transition:

Comparison and Contrast of Mexican and U.S. Elections

Claudia Sheinbaum Wins Mexican Presidential Election

Looking at the Mexican Election Results

The Next Mexican Congress and the Power of AMLO’s MORENA Party

Public Assistance and the Sheinbaum Triumph

Mexico’s Election Violence

Who is Claudia Sheinbaum, Mexico’s Next President?

The Astonishing Growth and Power of Mexico’s MORENA Party

Sheinbaum’s Choice for Chief of Staff a Blast From the Past

Claudia Sheinbaum Forms Her Cabinet

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One Response to The AMLO-Sheinbaum Transition

  1. william kaliher says:

    thanks–this is easy to call up info the way u outlined–thanks

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